BIG AND SMALL WORLDS - opening night 24.1. 6 p.m. 2025 SCHAUBUDE, Berlin Tickets HERE
We all live in coexistence with the outer and inner world. What shapes us from the outside is just as important as what is inside our bodies - microorganisms…For the theatre, we want to interpret short stories about animals, insects and microorganisms. For the theatre, we want to interpret short stories about animals, insects and microorganisms.To artistically and visually process the somewhat shocking findings of scientists.
And to say: None of us is alone.
Bacterial communication is indispensable for ecosystems, soil, animals and last but not least for our personal healthy life. For our bodies. Without bacteria, we wouldn't survive. Conversely, for our bacteria we represent a hospitable little room, a city or a country or even a cosmos. They have a lot of work in each of us that needs to be done in cooperation and symbiosis with others…
Intuitive painting on the iPad is for me live painting on stage. This time accompanying musicians at the SPACEX festival. It's preparation, anticipation and a bit of an adventure, because most of the time I don't know where the music will go. Musicians improvise and it's a challenge!
SPACE X - 14.9. + 15.9. 2023 Festival ambientní hudby, Divadlo X. Některé fotky z fotky z vystoupení Davida Kollara a Arve Hendriksena :
Art and science are cool
The body of an animal, including a human, is a whole world composed of many groups of small organisms. Inside small microorganisms are even smaller and they live in relationships and mutual interactions....
In 2023, we not only played for schools and in theaters in the Czech Republic and Germany, but also organized workshops for school children. Our latest activities are focused on education in a different way: Through theater and workshops, we bring children and adults closer to the invisible world of ecosystems. But not only that - also the world of microorganisms discovered by scientists in our bodies. We are connected by living organisms closely with nature and without their help, we would not survive.
The number of bacteria in and on a single human body is up to 100 trillion. This is equivalent to 500 times the number of stars in our Milky Way. Overall, the number of bacteria on Earth far exceeds the number of stars in the observable universe.
BOTTROP March 2023
The primary school program FiBiS is also a complete success in its second year
This week, the August-Everding cultural center in Bottrop is teeming with excited children. All have the same goal: the great performance of the Tineola Theater in the Chamber Concert Hall. Almost 500 pupils from Bottrop's elementary schools can again benefit from the series of events of the Puppentheater-Bildung-Schule (FiBiS) this year. Together they get a taste of cultural air on the one hand and on the other hand they get to know the forest better in a varied way this year.
With the newly established event series figure theater education school (FiBiS), culture and important school topics are to be connected in a lively and varied way in Bottrop. The program is funded by the Studienstiftung Grasedieck in cooperation with the cultural office as well as Maja Brüggemeier and Werner Bartelt-Brüggemeier, better known in Bottrop as the „Figurentheater Sonstwo“.
2020 and 2021:
During the 2020 and 2021, there was a large number of meetings, discussions and speeches on the topic of Wood Wide Web. They took place in the Czech Republic and Germany. People are interested in the fate of forests, climate change is evident. You just need to actively do something. This is one of the conclusions of our discussions. And so we continue and we will try to organize other events and meetings on the environmental topic. The nearest will be November 20, 2021 in Aleš's South Bohemian Gallery in České Budějovice.
Praha, Berlin, Norimberg, České Budějovice, Ratmírov, Hrádeček
Během roku 2020 a 2021 probíhalo velké množství setkání, diskuzí i vystoupení na téma Wood Wide Web. Konaly se v Čechách i v Německu. Lidi zajímá osud lesů. Klimatická změna je evidentní. Jen je třeba aktivně něco dělat. To je jeden ze závěrů našich diskuzí. A tak pokračujeme a budeme se snažit na enviromentální téma pořádat další akce a setkání. Nejbližší bude 20.11.2021 v Alšově jihočeské galerii v Českých Budějovicích.
Praha, Berlin, Tasice, Praha, České Budějovice
TO SOMEWHERE ELSE 2018 : 20.4. MUNICH, 19.5. BRNO, 21.5. ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE, 16.9. KUTNÁ HORA - GASK, 19.10. BERLIN Schaubude
Vejce Opice a žirafice: 16.6. KUTNÁ HORA, GASK festival - Světlo pro Pešánka
Ei Pad, Affe und Giraffe - trip Germany and Belgium 2017:
TOUR with EGG 2017: BERLIN Treptower park Figurentheater Treptow, AACHEN Ludwigs Museum, EUPEN - festival fiGuma, Belgium, Patentampt, Berlin
NĚKAM JINAM / TO SOMEWHERE ELSE - Olomouc a Ústí nad Labem
Opening Night 30.3. Ostrava Dům umění:
Photos by Miguel Alonso
Photos from rehearsal To Somewhere Else :
Drawing in Motion - scenes:
My Little Eye Pet
Drawing in Motion in Austria - Styria: Castle Farrach, Wies, Arnfels and Eibiswalde in May 2015:
Tour in Germany - Husum, Pole Poppenspäler-Tag, Internatinal Festival: Rathaus 21.9. 2014
Tour in Germany – Wolfsburg, 4.Internationales FigurenTheaterFestival : PHAENO, September 2014
Michaela Bartoňová: Když kreslím na iPadu v rytmu hudby, mám pocit, že je to vlastně kreslená podoba automatického psaní. Kresba je impulsívní a nepromyšlená, tak jako dětská kresba. Samozřejmě, že kdesi za tím jsou zkušenosti, asociace a spojitosti, které se vynořují. Ale ruka jakoby tvoří sama. Je to čistá improvizace. Z toho lze posléze vycházet u dalších, víc promyšlených kreseb.
Když mne hudba vede, zdá se mi, že pluju, nebo plachtím. K tomu je potřeba určitá vnímavost a schopnost transformovat hudbu, tóny, rytmus do čar a barev. Je to dobrodružství a člověk musí být do hudby ponořený a trénovat, stejně jako se trénuje hraní na housle nebo na trumpetu.
Pro diváka je fasinující být u zrodu několika čtyřmetrových obrazů a navíc jen během pár minut.